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Friday, May 20, 2005

I Completely Screwed Up.


"The Dress" is pretty much done.

I won't be wearing it to the wedding tomorrow.

It went SO well.

My brain was firing on all cylinders, and I only made ONE mistake.

Only ONCE did my brain disengage.

Unfortunately, the scissors were in my hand at THAT EXACT MOMENT.

SO, the seam I had thoughtfully left un-sewn to accommodate a hem that needed to be finished became my nemesis. (Although WHAT I had done to IT is still uncertain)

I thought, this piece is too wide! What was I thinking to leave it so big?

And at THAT EXACT MOMENT, my brain ceased to function, and I cut that piece off.

I made both sides match.

Then I sewed.

Then I realized my mistake.

I had two options.

The first was to un-pick several solidly sewn seams, re-cut and re-attatch the new front panels of the skirt, re-sewing the whole thing.

I hate ripping out seams.

The second option was to just go with it, finish the front seam as it was and hope for the best, re-doing it next week when time is not of the essence.

I went with option 2.

I did the hand stitching at the church meeting last night.

When I got home I tried it on.


It looks completely terrible.

Well, it doesn't look completely terrible, but let's just say people would say- oh, what a lovely dress! And when is the baby due?


So, its' back to my old stand-by. The dress that makes people say - oh you look so nice. Or, Is that a new dress?

The only problem is, (and my husband doesn't get this, and I don't think I even totally get this), that the back-up dress feels like a gunny sack. A pretty pink-rose-patterned, gunny sack, but still sacky all the same.

After I stopped feeling like I wanted to cry, I told the husband that at least I can put a good face on it, and no one will know that I feel shapeless and sacky at the wedding tomorrow.

Well- now YOU do, but if we all forget we ever read this....

....maybe if I wear the 3 inch heels....

posted by Lauralea | 7:53 AM


Blogger Linea said...

It does make a difference if you feel good in a dress. I don't know why but maybe feeling good is more important than it actually being a stunning dress, or maybe feeling good makes you hold yourself differently so whatever it is looks better.

So there is always grad to look good for and knowing you, I bet you will fix whatever it is went wrong.

1:58 PM  
Blogger Robyn said...

I thought you looked good, you can see where you have really lost weight.
The other day in Walmart, I was wearing a top that I had made, and have had several people ask me to make them this top. The sales lady commented on how nice it was....and then said, "and you can wear it after too!"
.....I'm not sure when the baby is due.

10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi - I've been lurking and laughing for some time, and just had to comment on this one. When I was 9 months pregnant I sewed myself a new nightgown to wear to the hospital and then for nursing. Tried it on. My husband caught me crying, as I wailed, "It's supposed to make me look pretty and all it does is make me look fat!"

3:16 PM  

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