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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Only My Kid...

I come from a long line of klutzes.

None of us have ever been really good at sports.

I think some of us are good swimmers, and we can ride a bike, but real sports, like baseball and basketball and volleyball...


Don't worry, there is more to life than being a great athlete.

Your Auntie once gave herself a black eye doing a forward roll in Gym class.

And then there's my family

Only my kid.

I take some laundry down to the washer.

Just one load.

But, the Son has unplugged the washer to plug in something else.

He uses the dryer as one of his personal workspaces.

He uses the workbench

And the top of the freezer

And the top of the dryer

Once he forgot to re-plug the freezer.

But only once.

He frequently unplugs the washer.

I can't reach the bottom of the freezer.

I can't reach across the washer/dryer to plug in the appliances.

I told him, get up off the couch and plug that in for me please.

I set the washer and pulled it on so that when he plugged it in it would start.

A few minutes later I heard a thump and a cry.

He got up too fast

Felt light headed

Fell flat on his face

Gave himself a bloody nose

Put a hole in his lip.

Only my kid.

His little brother plugged in the washer for me.

Even Jr. can reach across the washer now.

(His nose stopped bleeding. I don't think it's broken.)

He said I can post this.

posted by Lauralea | 12:51 PM


Blogger Toni Ertl said...

"real sports, like baseball and basketball and volleyball"

No, no, those aren't real sports (well, volleyball is, just about, in a girly sort of way). Those are just guys messing about - that's all.

Real sports are cycling, running and swimming. They involve strength, speed endurance and determination in the face of pain. Not nancying around with a bat or trying to find players that are human/giraffe cross-breeds.

Sounds like your family can actually do real sports after all.

1:33 AM  
Blogger Lauralea said...

I like that analysis. Yes. We do real sports. We just don't do games that involve more than a table, a deck of cards, a computer or a board in a box!

: )

10:13 AM  

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